An Integrated Campus for Engineering and MBA


Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu

Accreditation: NAAC B++ ,  Certifications: ISO 21001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015

( Established and Promoted by Siddartha Educational Academy )


** Welcome to Siddartha Educational Academy Group of Institutions,Tirupati ** Courses Offered B.Tech, M.Tech & MBA **


Basic Sciences

Siddartha Educational Academy

Humanities and Basic Science 

The courses combined skills development through well-set syllabus and novelty in both teaching and learning. The department with 24 faculty members consistently enriches themselves in a variety of ways such as participating and conducting seminars, conferences, workshops, publishing articles and presenting papers.

The department of Humanities and sciences (H&S) was established in 2009.It offers Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English Language and communicational skills and Environmental Science. Since its establishment is running the programs successfully meeting all the requirements.

The curriculum that is designed under the great emphasis for the humanities courses for the adaptable development of the students. The department is the bridging and building block for the engineering to maketheir talents in the right path.

The department has state-of-the-art Laboratories and advanced department library facilities. The current syllabus is set with the objective of catering to students of all backgrounds irrespective of their medium.

About Department spirals:

Spirals are a literary event that includes competitions such as: Role plays, Group Discussions, Debates, Social Activities, Motivations, counseling mentors and presentations etc.



         To make students bright and shine in their knowledge and to be perfect themselves effectively to exhibit skillful talents and able to think in all aspects.


           To shape students to become role models for budding Engineers.We make students to become part of the society and how they are part of the industry and research organizations. To get success in their collaboration.


H&S department consists of Digital classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, Language learning Laboratory, seminar hall and          E classroom.

Communicative English Lab:

A New Language is a new life, then only students to avoid wars. English Laboratory offers a national learning and practical Lab sessions. As a part of English Language teaching life skills and collaborative skills are enable the students to improve their employability. It offers multimedia language lab with advanced licensed software to make students effective. It offers a unique weapon to avoid fear in English Lab that is the speaker’s club. Which is essential for students to give practice orally. Here mainly students concentrate on activities like JAM, Debate, Extempore etc.

Engineering Chemistry Lab:

The Department of Chemistry offers both theoretical and practical disciplines. It is basic in the studies of Medicine, Biology and Technology. In this department is well known for its excellence in teaching and research. It has distinguished itself as a center for innovative and pioneer research in a wide range of areas in chemistry. We make students to do practicals with well-equipped instruments, Glass wears Hot air ovens with chromatography techniques. The department organizes refresher courses, workshops and conferences with support from national-level scientific organizations and societies. The department is equipped with major scientific equipment like IR, UV- visible spectrometer.

Engineering Physics lab:

The Department of physics covers different branches of physics that are useful for would-be engineers. Engineering and Applied physics theory and experiments handled by highly qualified staff provide great knowledge of concepts and principles. To the credit of the Department of Physics 28 lakhs, the DST project was sanctioned in 2014. The Nanotechnology DST research lab established by the department of physics catches the attention and evokes interest in research and enriches the student’s knowledge in research.

Departmental activities:

  • Mentoring system, Anti- Ragging and disciplinary activities will be successfully carried on throughout the year so that every student will be nurtured with proper care and affection.
  • We develop an interest in students towards education, self-learning and practicals by a good method of teaching techniques.
  • Conducting of sports, social activities apart from studies are a part of our curriculum.


For more details on admissions and seat availability here