An Integrated Campus for Engineering and MBA


Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu

Accreditation: NAAC B++ ,  Certifications: ISO 21001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015

( Established and Promoted by Siddartha Educational Academy )


** Welcome to Siddartha Educational Academy Group of Institutions,Tirupati ** Courses Offered B.Tech, M.Tech & MBA **


Exam Section

Siddartha Educational Academy

Exam Cell

The examination branch of the college is a confidential section having the responsibility of smooth conduct of examinations for all the courses and maintenance of students records etc.,

The Principal of the College is the Chief Superintendent of the examination branch. The section following officers assist him in :

1. Processing of examination application forms and issue of hall tickets to the students.

2. Examination Management Systems (EMS) is introduced by JNTUA to all B. Tech and P. G courses. The examination branch looks after the works connected with EMS and external examinations as directed by the university.

3. Online Comprehensive examination is also introduced by the JNTUA, to all B. Tech courses.

This branch looks after the works connected with the effective conduct of online examination.

4. The examination branch looks after the issue of marks memos, provisional certificates, consolidated marks memos, duplicate marks memos, transcripts, migration certificates etc.,

5. It looks after the payment of remuneration to the examiners, collection and receipts of examination fees, payment towards the stationery etc., purchased for the examination branch.

Please Click here for University results..
Mr.D. Suresh Reddy
Controller of Examinations
Siddartha Educational Academy Group of Institutions
C.Gollapalli, Tirupati Rural -517505
Andhra Pradesh, Chittoor Dist.
Phone : +91-9666200060
Email : [email protected]


For more details on admissions and seat availability here