An Integrated Campus for Engineering and MBA


Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu

Accreditation: NAAC B++ ,  Certifications: ISO 21001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015

( Established and Promoted by Siddartha Educational Academy )


** Welcome to Siddartha Educational Academy Group of Institutions,Tirupati ** Courses Offered B.Tech, M.Tech & MBA **


Institution’s Innovation Council

Siddhartha Educational Academy

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)

              “Ministry of Education (MoE) formally known as the government of India’s Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has created the “MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC)” to systematically promote the innovation culture among higher education institutions (HEIs). The main goal of MIC is to excite, motivate, and nurture young pupils by assisting them as they develop new ideas into prototypes throughout their formative years. In the process, Our college has started Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) in September 2022 and formed a council comprising of internal faculty members and external experts to monitor the progress and activities of IIC on campus.


  • To nurture the students to bring out their hidden talents in various disciplines of Engineering, Science, Technology and Management.
  • To encourage and assist young creative minds by providing them a perfect platform to show cast their skills as team members.
  • To foster new ideas and help them to get funded projects through their innovative ideas.
  • The Institution’s Innovation Council is constituted with the following Members.
     S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Department Position
     1 Dr. Sujeeth .T Assoc. Professor CSE President
     2 Dr. B. NarayanaBabu Professor ECE Convener 
     3 Dr. V. K. MadhuSmitha Rani Professor H & S Innovation Activity         Co-ordinator
     4 Dr. B. NarayanaBabu Assoc. Professor CSE IPR Activity Co-ordinator
     5 Dr. D.Lavanya Professor CSE Start-up Co-Ordinator
     6 Dr. G. Sreedevi Professor ECE ARIIA Co-Ordinator
     7 Mr. S. Bhaskar Asst. Professor MECH Internship Co-Ordinator
     8 Mr. G. Narendranath Asst. Professor MECH NIRF Co-Ordinator
    9 Mr. P. Swaminath Kumar   PRO  PRO Social Media Coordinator
    10 Mr. D. Balasubramanyam Asst. Professor EEE Member
    11 Dr. E. Krishna Karthik Asst. Professor MBA Member
    12 Dr. P. Ravi Professor H&S Member
    13 Mr. M. Devendranath Reddy Managing Director Industry Expert

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